Feb 15, 2022


  1. Love is not something you deserve only if you reach a goal.
  2. Nothing, literally nothing is stronger than a small hope that doesn’t give up.
  3. It’s okay to not make the most of every moment.
  4. Don’t give up, for you will meet other versions of yourself.
  5. Life contains light as well as dark, hills and valleys. Breathe because the bottom of the valley never has the clearest view.
  6. We always have that space inside us, a new perspective.
  7. Things aren’t always one thing or another thing. Everything is not binary, somethings are in between.
  8. Language is a way back to life, the most vital comfort we have.
  9. Don’t absorb criticism from people you wouldn’t go for advice.
  10. Remember, dogs aren’t better company if you are famous. The sky isn’t more beautiful if you have perfect skin.




A seed planted in New Delhi who mostly wants to grow through reading and writing. Also, a STEM educator who is passionate for art and poetry !